Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Timelines will be the death of me. Or rather learning how to put together a cohesive timeline using Liquid Story Binder will be the death of me.

During November I consistently found myself forgetting what day or what time of day it was in my story. The events of the book take place over roughly a week to two week period. This has me worried about pacing. Did I plow through too quickly or do I need to add a few more days and subplots? See why I need a timeline? Before I get too involved with the outline of my next book, I need to know what day I'm on and where I'm at. I think it will cover a few weeks as well, due to the nature of the plot. (MC is hunting down ex-partner to extract revenge)

My tale has a subplot I dropped the threads of near the end. I mention an organization and when the character representing it met her demise, no further mention was made. The organization still exists. It didn't die with the character, so I have the job of creating a plausible explanation. The timeline will help me achieve this goal. (I hope)

P.S. I am experiencing a bit of NaNoWriMo hangover. I spent November hanging out with other writers logging words and writing prose. It feels weird not to have a word count deadline looming over my head. I don't know the cure, other than writing, of course. Maybe after I finish some of my planning and start writing again the restless feeling with go away.

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