Thursday, December 12, 2013

Deaf Ear

My story began as a dream. I woke up in the morning and said to myself "That dream was freakin' awesome, it must be a story." Like most people who write, I keep a list of story ideas. I used to write them on whatever piece of paper was available at the time. Now, I have a file on my smart phone entitled, aptly of course, Story Ideas. After I was awake enough to write a coherent sentence, the idea was filed away for future use. The fact I was on a hiatus from writing didn't matter, the ideas keep coming whether I use them or not.

Along came life and I was given free time to write again, if I chose to do so. Without much hesitation, I plunged back into the world of writing. It was October and I was going to participate in NaNoWriMo in less than a month.  The story idea I dreamed about months before seemed perfect for my re-entry. It didn't matter I had no clue who the main character was or what the plot would be. All would be revealed as I progressed.

The main character was born during my first free writing session. I wrote a scene from when she was six years old.The more I wrote about her, the more real she became to me. At times, I can feel what she is feeling, the pain and frustration of living with a gift. (or curse depending on who you ask) Half-way through November, she stopped talking to me. I couldn't find her voice anymore and it showed in the writing. My MC went from being strong and stubborn to whiny and emotional.

How do I find my way back? I am instructing myself to write more back story and create a journal for her. If all else fails, I can "interview" her and try to recapture the qualities that made me create her in the first place. I only hope when she begins to talk again, I am listening.

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