Monday, December 9, 2013

Life Support

If I didn't have a support system, I would have stopped writing years ago. Maybe I am lying. The stories keep coming to me whether I write them down or not. Regardless, having the support of family, friends, and other writers has helped me stay on my writing path. The road hasn't been straight or clear of obstacles. I have fought every step of the way. Someone once said, "Anything worth doing takes effort." (After researching this, I discovered it is based on a quote by Theodore Roosevelt. His version was "Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty... I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life. I have envied a great many people who led difficult lives and led them well.")

During my journey, I have not walked alone. Writers have a way of finding each other. Hemingway had Fitzgerald and Stein. Dorthy Parker had the gang at the Algonquin. Ilona Andrews has Jeaniene Frost. Shay has her Yetis.(for those who don't know, The Yetis are my writing group.) I am fortunate to have found writing friends both in person and on the internet and for this I am thankful. As I have said many times over, writing is hard work. Having a group of people who share your interests and your pain helps.

My writing group has been supporting each other for the past six years. There have been times when I stopped writing or stopped going to meetings, yet they still support and love me. I wouldn't be the person or writer I am today if not for them. Chance brought us together and the love of the written word made us a family.

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