Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Climb out of the Hole

My body isn't completely healed from the Great Upper Respiratory Infection of 2014. This fact has inspired my brain to shut down and become a pile of gray mush incapable of forming coherent sentences. I've written less than five hundred words in the past two weeks and I'm still working on the rewrite of chapter three. The good news is I am still excited about my new idea and have been thinking about characters and plot points. I know thinking isn't the same as writing the ideas on a page, but I like to wallow things around in my mind first before I start committing them to pen and paper.

The problem with chapter three is it wasn't completely written in the first draft. It was roughly eight hundred words describing what I wanted the scene to be and the action that needed to occur. During NaNoWriMo it was enough. Now it is sadly lacking. I have the task of filling in the blanks. One of the characters in the scene changed as the story was progressing. At the end, she was a different person. It was a surprise to me as well as my main character. I want to reflect this change in the scene and it has been hard, hence the procrastination.

I'm choosing to focus on the positive. I am writing again. I've done more since November than I have in the past two years. I've had to relearn some things and get back in the habit of sitting at the computer and putting the words on the page. If I can survive the editing process, I can do anything.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Good Intentions

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

 How very true. I intended to start editing again on Tuesday. This didn't happen. My time off has stretched past a week. Health wise, I sound like I've been smoking three packs of smokes a day since I was eleven. This paired with a hacking cough and fountains of mucus have prevented me from creating fiction. (or rewriting anything)

My time away from the keyboard hasn't been a total loss. I've been able to get some reading done. I finished We Are Anonymous by Parmy Olson. I find hacking and Anonymous fascinating. The most important fact I took away from the book itself was how easy it would be to hack me. Note to self, change the majority of your passwords.  I was also surprised by the fact that Anonymous isn't a group but more a movement or a way of looking at the world. I always thought, mostly because of mainstream media, it was a very organized group of hackers standing up to "the man." I rather like the fact it is a ever changing group of individuals with similar views. This does not mean I condone their methods or criminal acts.

Next on my agenda, more research. I'm giving myself the rest of the week to beat down the virus that has inhabited my body and is using it as its own personal Disney World. Then Monday it is back to work on The Valiant and character development for the yet to be named hacker thriller mystery story. This minor set back will not derail my commitment to write daily and with purpose. I won't let it.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Swim, Not Sink

The common cold had the power to derail my writing progress. In fact, my entire life was put on hold while I dealt with sneezing, coughing, and an over abundance of mucous. My time was spent in bed reading or watching sitcoms on my computer. I developed a Nyquil habit, chugging it back like a ho slamming tequila shooters. Rest, soup, and Cougar Town have vanquished my viral demon, leaving behind a croupy cough and dregs of mucous in my lungs. I feel better.

Writing shall recommence now I've won my brain back. I missed it, but I wasn't in any condition to be writing. No telling what I would have written in my stupor. I answered my phone and instructed my cousin on how many Aleve should take then promptly hung up on her. I jotted down a story idea.

Group of people traveling country in RV living off grid. They have unofficial meeting. Race for control.

I have no idea what it means or when I typed into my phone. (I have a list for story ideas) I am guessing I woke up from a dream and wrote it.

Today I blog, tomorrow I dive back into edits and possible character creation for my new idea. After going a year or more without any story ideas, I have several different ones vying for my attention. It feels so good. Creating makes me feel whole and complete. It is hard to explain, I just know in my heart, it was what I was meant to do.

Sunday, January 12, 2014


Nothing excites a writer more than a new idea. Last night, in the middle of a trip down a wikipedia rabbit hole, a new idea bashed me on the head. It started with "I wonder" and ended with "what if." Scared it might disappear, I added it to my idea file on my smart phone. The list is currently small and there are several items that have me scratching my head. If I have a cool dream, I add the neat elements to the list for future inspiration. (Ribs are light sabers is a good example)

After saving the idea for the future, I texted it to my cousin. I was too excited to sleep and I thought her husband could use it and do it more justice than I could. Her response, even though it was after one in the morning, was positive and she encouraged me to use it myself. I think her words included the phrase "if you aren't going to use it, I will." I decided to tackle it.

Yes, I am in the middle of editing a rough draft. Yes, I have ideas for two more stories in the same world with the same main character. Yes, I have an outline for the next story I planned on writing. But this idea is shiny and completely different than the series I've been working on. It is singing to me the siren's song of new idea happiness. There is a whole world of possibilities and characters to discover. I almost didn't sleep last night. My first instinct was to grab my notebook and start scribbling ideas for characters and setting.

This is tremendous. I went six months or more without having ideas. I was worried I would never have another idea. My creative well was dry. There were times when I thought I would give up writing. The thought of not putting words on the page made me sad. For as long as I can remember, I have been a writer. (note I did not say author, that is a different thing) Ideas for stories have been coming to me and I have been writing them for over 30 years. It is who I am.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Procrastination is an Art Form

One of my goals for the new year was to establish a solid writing schedule. It is still a work in progress. Life seems to have a way of intervening. I know there is a saying about good intentions but my brain fog is preventing me from retrieving it at the moment.

The thought was for me to write at the same time every day and not stop till I hit my daily goal, which is a doable 500 new words. So far I hit my goal once since January 1st and I have yet to sit at the computer at the same time every day. The good news is I have managed to write seven out of the past nine days. There are new words being written each day and the WIP is shaping up.

A good friend urged me to relax and take it easy on myself. This was in response to my angst over the speed of editing. It was good advice. I was putting too much pressure on myself. This is new uncharted territory for me. In the past, I would spend several months with a draft, then give up and move on to something shinier. I never committed to doing the hard work it takes to edit a story and make it suitable for human consumption.

Writing is hard. The pay sucks and there are no guarantees anyone else will want to read your story once it is finished. That said, I can't stop doing it. I have tried. I always come back and start again. No matter how many ways I find to put it off, I must write. It is part of my soul.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

When to Say When

Knowing when to stop is an important trait to possess. I am sad to say it is not one of mine. In the past, I have pushed beyond the limit. Today that is not the case. After four hours of poking at my rough draft, I gave up.

The two beta readers who received my first chapter, responded with good feed back. I applied their notes and my chapter was better. Moving on to chapter two I discovered it will have to be rewritten entirely to match the changes in chapter one. Like the familiar cliche, I moved one step forward and took two steps back.

After beginning work on chapter two, I discovered things which I needed to add to chapter one, mainly the MC's goal or motivation. The good news is I know where I can add a few paragraphs and not interrupt the flow of the story. The bad news is I have looked at this chapter for so long it seems old and ugly. The solution was for me to note where the changes need to be made and press on.

The editing process is moving along, though at a slower pace than I would have liked. I long for the care free days of November when my hands were flying over the keyboard. In the time it takes me to write 150 words now, I was writing over a thousand then. Instead of bemoaning my slow process, I probably should be congratulating myself for having the courage to keep moving forward. At this rate, it will be June before my second draft is finished.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Sometimes Change is Good

The revision process has begun. Today, I rewrote the first scene of my NaNoWriMo novel. This is a first for me. Usually once November has passed, the novel sits untouched on my hard drive. I have six or seven such masterpieces collecting dust. I'm afraid to go back and look at my first attempts at novel writing.

Looking at my beginning with fresh eyes helped. After all was said and done, I cut almost three hundred words, most of them notes to myself, which are perfectly acceptable during NaNo, and added four hundred new words.  The original scene just tapered off without a end. Transitioning from scene to scene is one of my weaknesses. The new version has a suitable ending, but it changes the next two scenes a bit. They will have to be rewritten and combined. I keep telling myself it is all right, nothing is set in stone and change can be good.

It is important to me to keep moving forward and to write every day. My goal is five hundred new words a day. After writing over two thousand a day during November, this will be a piece of cake. The hope is by March, I will have a second draft I can send to beta readers for their input. Putting my words out in the world is scary to think about.